Sales Order Management in Yaapiyal Tex
This post covers how to manage sales-related activities, generate invoices and wage calculations in Yaapiyal Tex solution.

Sales Order
In this solution, the user is provided with two options, one is the generation of delivery challan and the other is GST billing. So the user can go for either option based on their needs. To get into the Delivery challan screen, the user has to click delivery challan under sales order in the side panel. The user has to select the customer name first, by selecting the customer name, the other details like address, city, state, GST number, mobile number will be displayed automatically. The user has to enter the delivery address and other details. If both the details are the same, then the user just can click the check box and the details will be loaded automatically. After entering the details, the user has to scan the product’s QR code. It will display the product name, color, size and price given against the customer name. The user has to enter the quantity and the system will calculate the price and display it. The user can save and take a printout of the Delivery challan. The same process will be followed for GST billing also but it will include GST calculations in it.
Return Order Tracking
E-commerce sellers know the pain of order returns and also it is difficult to track the returned orders. So keeping that problem in mind, we have developed a feature in yaapiyal tex where the user can enter the returned products and add them back to inventory and keep track of it. Return order should be clicked under the sales section in the side panel. If a product is returned by a customer, then the user has to come to this screen and click the add return products button. There will be two options for user, one is add via scan id and the other is add manually. If the QR is available then the user can go with the scan id option and just scan the QR, select the customer name and quantity and click save. If there is no QR code in the returned product, then the user has to enter the product name, customer name, size, color, quantity manually and click save. After saving, the quantity will be added to the product inventory. The returned products will be separately tracked in the return order screen. This screen will maintain the list of products returned by the customers so far. There is a print option where the user can print the barcode for the products that don’t have one.
Wage calculation
In such manufacturing units, the employees will not have a fixed monthly salary. They will get their wage based on the number of pieces they have worked over the week. Every weekend, the companies will hand over the amount to the employees based on the number of products they have worked. In yaapiyal tex we have tailor worklog, quality worklog, ironing worklog screens in which the user can check the number of pieces worked by an employee between a specific period of time. The user first have to enter any of the three screens, select the name of the tailor,QC or other department staffs and select the time period. By clicking on the submit button, the system will display the numbers and the product details they have worked on. Using this the company management can just multiply their rates per piece and give their weekly salary easily. This report is generated from the job order process which is accurate.
In the case of reports, we can generate any kind of customized reports using the client’s available data based on their requirements. Now we have sales reports and workers’ daily reports present inbuilt. In sales report all the sales details with invoices will be present. In worker’s report, the user can track like what budle is the worker is working on currently.
Hope this series of posts has provided you with guidelines on how to work on the Yaapiyal Tex solution. If you have any questions or have to book a demo of this tool, then you can reach out to us via email or the contact page.
N. Jayadileepan
Marketing Analyst
Jayadileepan handles presales at Knowillence Private Limited. He works with technology departments of various companies to understand their IT needs and answers them questions and validates the solutions. He has very good domain knowledge in textile industry.